Duck Express – Volume 1

Here is the first issue of a newsletter that we plan to send you from time to time, in addition to our flagship publication, The White Duck, published at least twice a year.

Annual General Assembly

The Association held its annual general meeting on July 5 last. About sixty members were present.

We welcomed a guest speaker, Mr. Louis-Marie Poissant, an expert from the Directorate of Public Health of Ottawa, who spoke of protecting the environment and lakes, especially in regard to runoff . The attendees were keenly interested in the dynamic and revealing about the speaker.

Lise Villeneuve presented the many cases in which the executive of the Association was held during the past year include, in particular, in addition to monitoring of municipal operations, our participation in regional conferences and the following folders: Bay Groulx Épursol, revitalization of the waterfront, Poker Run, subdivision regulations and borrowing. Among the important current issues, there is that the watershed committee and the monitoring of lakes. Mention finally the payment of the first award Julien Couture School Board Heart-of-valley (school Adrien William Chénéville) for a planting of shrubs.

New Executive Board

The executive board for 2009-2010 consists of:
Lise Villeneuve (Chair) (Creuse Bay Bay Square), Ivars Sayfy (Vice-Chairman) (Bay Yelle), Lyse Leduc (Vice-President, Communications) (Manor), Richard Sabourin (Treasurer) (Bay Groulx), Andre Saint Martin (secretary) (Manor), Lucie Bélanger, Françoise Breault and Mariane Bilodeau (Barrier Lake), Daniel Perrier (Duhamel), Claude Ricard (Bay St. Lawrence).

Executive Board Meetings

The new board held its first meeting Sunday, Aug. 9. Among the many topics covered include the following: follow-up at the annual meeting, communication strategy of the Association, which records a significant impact: expansion of a maple industrial regulations concerning the installation of docks, municipal elections next.  The board has decided to express its disagreement with the council about holding a "rave" party at Bar Adventure.

Another meeting was held on September 9. In addition to monitoring points of the previous meeting, the Executive Council has adopted a communication strategy to give greater visibility to the association.  He also discussed the municipal elections of 1 November and the board has determined that it would raise the following points in particular to the candidates: carrying capacity of the territory of the municipality for development (2nd and 3rd row) application Regulations (on pollution, eg.) Runoff (roads); borrowing rules, lake access fees, transparency of government and citizen information, monitoring (knowledge) applications from elected .

Registration on the electoral roll ahead of municipal elections of November 1, 2009

There will be municipal elections on Sunday 1st November 2009 in Lac-Simon and Duhamel, as in many other municipalities in Quebec.

Exercise your right to vote!

To this end, you should ensure you are registered on the electoral roll. If you are unsure of being, call the municipality (819 428-3906). In addition, if you own your property (with your spouse for example), one of you has the right to vote and to this end you must complete a proxy form (obtainable from the municipality). Finally, you can vote by mail, but again, you must complete an application form in advance. The form of proxy voting and registration by mail is on the website of the Municipality of Duhamel.

Those who have applied to vote by mail may, if they have not exercised this right is to vote in the municipality either in advance (25 and 26 October) or on election day, Sunday, November 1st. [Note: We know that this information will be sent after the statutory deadline for registration. However, make sure you still have to be registered before going to the polling station and if you're not, do so now for the next time!]

Reminder about the payment of dues

You will find attached a sheet to remind you how important it is to pay your annual dues to the Association.

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