- Are Lac Simon and Lac Barrière important to you?
- Do you want to have responsible development?
- Is the water quality of concern to you?
- Is noise pollution a problem for you?
- Do you want to be better informed?
- Do you want to have a voice?
Become a member of the Lac Simon Property-Owners’ Association (LSPA).
Our objectives
- Maintain the health of the lakes' and watershed ecosystems
- Encourage sustainable development that is compatible with a healthy environment and our well-being
- Make the citizens aware of their responsibilities toward our environment
Our means of action
- Recruit property-owners to increase membership
- Ensure that decisions of our elected Municipal officials always reflect the necessity of protecting our lakes
- Intervene, when necessary, with the appropriate authorities: Municipalities, MRC, Ministries
Our achievements
- Designation of Lots 12 and 13, contiguous to the undeveloped beach, as a protected wildlife zone and subject to seasonal flooding
- Protection of the undeveloped beach at the north end of Lac Simon (SEPAQ-Duhamel)
- Survey of all property-owners on Lac Simon in 2004
- Water quality study for Lac Simon and Lac Barrière in 2005
- Participation in the voluntary lake monitoring program
- Participation in the establishment of a watershed committee
- Official NO Committee during the 2007 referendum campaign (proposed merger between Chénéville and Lac-Simon defeated)
- Intervention and Press Releases concerning the conditions leading to the 2008 appearance of blue-green algae blooms in Lac Simon (Bays Groulx and Yelle)
- Intervention following the illegal dumping of toxic waste residue in our Municipal dump in 2008
Register online now or download our brochure
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