Moratorium on Development of l’Île du Canard Blanc

The citizens of Lac-Simon want to protect their island

The project to build a permanent dock at l’Île du Canard Blanc is put on hold.

At a special information meeting held on Saturday, the Municipality undertook an obligation to perform a study on the capacity of Lac Simon to support further development, in the current year*. Following this decision, the developer has committed to await the results of this study** before continuing his efforts to obtain a permit to build the permanent dock on l’Île du Canard Blanc. He also pledged to respect the moratorium of one year for his proposed development of non-lakeside land lots.

Almost 100 people attended the meeting Saturday. “The developer bought many lots in order to undertake residential development on the island and that is where we have a problem,” said President of the Lac Simon Property-owners‘ Association (LSPA), Lise Villeneuve. “This island is a gem, we must protect it because it’s a fragile ecosystem.”

A petition containing nearly 100 names is currently circulating. It will be presented to council on July 2.

“Acceptance of a moratorium and the Mayor’s commitment to the study of the capacity of Lac Simon to support further development, satisfy some of the demands that the Association submitted to council”, said Ms. Villeneuve. “We are very satisfied with the outcome of the meeting. The atmosphere was very cordial and the results have exceeded our expectations.”

According to Ms. Villeneuve, this meeting is a first step towards developing a vision of sustainable development and for protection of the environment of the entire ecosystem that is Lac Simon.

N.B. -This article was originally written in French by Jessy Laflamme of the weekly newspaper, La Petite-Nation, and the translation may contain slight differences due to your humble editor’s interpretation of the original text.)

*(editor’s note: the actual resolution that the council passed was to allocate a budget for the study in the 2011 fiscal year)

**(editor’s note: if it is done within one year)

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