Notice – Annual General Meeting – July 1st, 2012

Sunday, July 01, 2012 at 9:30 AM.
Centre de loisirs Saint-Felix-de-Valois
73, rue Hôtel de Ville, 2nd floor, Chénéville, QC
(behind the church)


  1. Approval of the agenda
  2. Acceptance of the minutes- July 3rd 2011 Annual Meeting
  3. Treasurer’s Report
  4. Review of Administrative council activities
    1. Current activities
    2. Information on Duhamel and Lac-Simon
    3. Presentation of LSPA (APLS) Internet site, FaceBook
    4. Drainage basin committee
    5. Lake surveillance voluntary network
    6. Baie Groulx situation update
    7. Canard Blanc Island situation update
    8. Mining activity in the region
  5. Presentation by Municipal representatives- Lac-Simon & Duhamel
  6. questions, reactions, …
  7. Review of the Urban Planning and Development strategy
  8. Presentation of APLS priorites, concerns- questions and discussion
  9. Election of Association Board members
  10. Varia (Motion of support for Lac-Simon’s request to the Ministre du Tourisme concerning access to the SEPAQ beach in Duhamel)
  11. Open forum: questions, reactions, suggestions, motions
  12. Adjournment (followed by discussion over some wine & cheese …)

The LSPA is holding its twelfth Annual General Meeting. Your participation is essential to the continuing vitality and to the influence that your Association can exert. Making your priorities and concerns known allows us to formulate better plans and initiatives to ensure protection of our lake, now and in the future.

Also, there are quite a few positions to fill on the Association’s administrative committee. We need help! There are situations specific to each of the Municipalities and to be legitimate interveners and have standing in both Municipalities, it is essential to have representation from each sector of the lake on the LSPA Committee, from Duhamel as well as Lac-Simon.

More than ever we need you, your energy, your involvement.

If you did not already do so following the recent reminder, this AGM is an ideal opportunity to become a member of the LSPA or to renew your annual membership. For your convenience, the membership desk will be manned by our volunteers as of 9 AM. Of course, you can register online at any time or, you can send your annual membership fee (25$) for 2012-2013, to the following address with the enclosed membership form:

Lac Simon Property-owners’ Association
C. P. 3571
Lac-Simon (Chénéville), QC, J0V 1E0

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